domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010


The name of the book is twilight. It was written by Stephanie Meyer. She was born in Hartford. She is an american author. It was published in 2005 with a print run of 75000 copies. It is translated into 37 laguages. it is a romantic novel. This story is about a human girl called Bella and a vampire called Edwar who was in love her but he thirsted of her blood. The love is very difficult between them, but the love wins to the problems. I like this book becouse the lve wins to the problems but I didn`t like this book becouse it isn`t tealistic and the fantasy is used a lot. Here there are some human values reflected in this book. They are the love, honesty, altruism, generosity and sincerity. The book teaches that the love always wins to the problems.

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