domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010


CAHARACTERS: Secretary: Valentina Gonzalez, Doctor: Katherin Díaz, Cheff: Guido Protto, Veterinarian: Darwin Cabrera and Carpenter: Lucía Ferreiro

S: Have you bring your cv and your letter of application

L: Yes, It is here.

S: Ok, that right, please came to the agency for an interview the next week.

L: Ok, bye.

S: Good bye.

Vet.: are you going to pay attention to me? When? I haven´t got too much time.

S: hello! Don’t you see that I am in my break! Sorry, you can’t bother me…

S: Hello peter, Im Alice Can you bring me a cup of coffee and a piece of cake? I`m in my office.

Doc.: - Good Morning, coud you hep me? I am looking for a job, I am a doctor.

S: Wait a minute. Right now it`s imposible

D: the secretary is a very bad mood. Isn´t it?

Vet.: she is a really stupid person and unpolite too.

Doc.: I´m Juana, now i haven´t got a job. And you?

Vet.: my name is Joaquin. Now a I am working in “la mulita”

Doc.: last Saturday i experienced something very strange. One of the patients who i have to take is has a monkey face. Look his photograph.

Vet.: oh… i experienced similar things all the times.. look that animals photograph.

Chef.: excuse me. Is here where someone has ordered cooffe?

S: Yes, the coffee is for me! you took a long time to bring it! You last 20 minutes

Chef.: oh, sorry.

S: Oh my god! how can you be so stupid?!

Chef.: i felt so sorry, i dont know how it hapened

Doc.: are you ok? Can i help you?

Chef.: Sorry, the true is that i am so stressed, i have a lot of work, and i am very sad because the sugar prices have rised.

S: We need a carpenter, this chair is completely broken!
Hello I need a carpenter for the job agency now, please

Carp.: Hello, good mooring. Whats wrong? Do you need help? I was in my free hour, but i came quickly because i need to work.

S: Yeah, It’s here. Don’t you see? It’s broken!

Doc.: That´s not a job for women.

Carp.: what are you saying? Do you really think that? I think that I have a great job and I enjoy it a lot, because I can be creative and work with my hands. It is not only a job for men its also for woman, and we do it very well. I know that you have study a lot to be a doctor and you work a lot of hours, but you do that because you chose that, and I do what I love and that is the main important thing when you are looking for a job.

Doc.: you are saying stupid things, a woman can´t use her hands for that type of jobs. My job its much better than yours.

Carp.: but my job is a great job, and I have flexible hours and…

Doctor: I´ll go out.

Vet.: me too. This agency is a disaster.

S: Stop annoying me! Shut up!

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